Year 2: News items
Town Council Grants £2000 for a sensory space, by Mrs McGuire
Healthy Wraps in Year 2, by Mrs Marciniak
Year 2 composers, by Mrs Marciniak
Cricket skills in Year 2, by Mrs Marciniak
St. Benedict's Nativity, by Mrs Marciniak
No Pens Day in Year 2, by Mrs Marciniak
Ranger Dan Experience Day, by Mrs Marciniak
Great Fire of London ready!, by Mrs Marciniak
Bangra-cise, by Mrs Marciniak
Portraits in the style of Julian Opie, by Mrs Marciniak
A taste of Karate, by Mrs Marciniak
Science Investigations in Year 2, by Mrs Marciniak
Gymnastics in Year 2, by Mrs Marciniak
Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies, by Mrs McGuire
Athletics Competition, by Mrs McGuire
Girls Cricket, by Mrs Case
London 2024 Part 2, by Mrs Bond
London- year 6 2024, by Mrs Bond
Cultural Diversity Day, by Mrs McGuire
Quidditch (Muggle style), by Mrs McGuire
Book fair, by Mrs McBride
Football match, by Mrs Bond
Winners!, by Mrs Bond
PTA Bingo, by Mrs Bond
Irish Dancing, by Mrs Bond