Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies

The drama club and choir have been working hard for many months to produce a fabulous play. The choir sang beautifully and the Y3, 4 and 5 actors were excellent. However,  most credit needs to go to the Y6 children with some outstanding performances. Well done to all children who took part. Thank you to all the staff who gave up their time to make the play such a success. 

Photos were courtesy of Nurtured with Love:

Lets's Connect Get in Touch

St Benedict's Catholic Primary School Hall Road, SK9 3AE
Hannah McGuire | Headteacher 01625520207
Diocese of Shrewsbury Cheshire East
SENDCo Tamsin Vernon |
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Hannah McGuire
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | Catherine McBride and Tamsin Vernon
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