Our Gallery
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Everett
Fun with Space, by Mrs Everett
St. Benedict's Nativity, by Mrs Marciniak
Tatton Park trip, by Mrs Everett
No Pens Day in Year 2, by Mrs Marciniak
Ranger Dan Day in Year 2, by Mrs Marciniak
Great Fire of London Ready!, by Mrs Marciniak
Road Safety, by Mrs Marciniak
Bangra-cise, by Mrs Marciniak
Year One have made fruit kebabs!, by Mr McCarthy
Year One are creating addition stories in maths!, by Mr McCarthy
Year One see God everywhere!, by Mr McCarthy
Year One Love to READ!, by Mr McCarthy
Year One are digital artists!, by Mr McCarthy
Year One are looking at inverted number sentences!, by Mr McCarthy
Year One love Orienteering!, by Mr McCarthy
Year One are crafting number sentences systematically!, by Mr McCarthy
Year One know what's greater and less than a number!, by Mr McCarthy
Year One are typing professionals!, by Mr McCarthy
Year One are feeling festive!, by Mr McCarthy
Portraits in the style of Julian Opie, by Mrs Marciniak
Mental Health Week, by Miss Fox
Art and DT Week, by Miss Fox
Making bread, by Mrs Everett