Healthy Wraps in DT

Lesson: Design and technology

Class: Year 2 Year: 2024 - 2025

Year 2 have looked at the different food groups and how to create a balanced diet.  Using their knowledge, they created their own tasty wraps.  The children prepared the food using snipping, chopping, cutting, spreading and grating skills.  They then enjoyed exploring the different tastes and deciding on good combinations before assembling their wraps.  A busy day in Year 2 !

Lets's Connect Get in Touch

St Benedict's Catholic Primary School Hall Road, SK9 3AE
Hannah McGuire | Headteacher 01625520207
Diocese of Shrewsbury Cheshire East
SENDCo Tamsin Vernon |
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Hannah McGuire
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | Catherine McBride and Tamsin Vernon
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