Our News items
Todays music lesson, by Mrs Nixon
St Benedict, by Mrs Nixon
PTA Painting Party, by Mrs McGuire
Planting our edible plants, by Mrs Everett
Reception, by Mrs Everett
Crosby Beach, by Mrs Bond
Sports' Day!, by Mrs McGuire
Bertie came to visit us, by Mrs Bond
All Hallows, by Mrs Bond
London Day 2!, by Mrs McGuire
Lion King, by Mrs McGuire
Tower of London, by Mrs McGuire
London Eye, by Mrs McGuire
London Day 1!, by Mrs McGuire
Balloon phonics, by Mrs Everett
Camping, by Mrs Everett
Castle art, by Mrs Everett
Knowsley Safari Park, by Mrs Case
H, by Mrs McGuire
Where Does Our Fruit Come From?, by Miss Fox
The , by Mrs Bond
Transient art, by Mrs Everett
First Holy Communion, by Mrs McGuire
York Minster and The Chocolate Story, by Mrs Bond
Off we go, last day, by Mrs Bond