Our News items
Art Week, by Mrs Nixon
Diwali, by Mrs McGuire
Library trip, by Mrs Everett
Gymnastics, by Miss Ridley
Leaf painting, by Mrs Everett
Meet TEAM Benedict, by Mrs Nixon
Karate, by Mrs Nixon
Year 6 Karate, by Mrs McGuire
A taste of Karate, by Mrs Marciniak
Year 6 assembly, by Mrs McGuire
Girls Football Team in action, by Mrs McGuire
Nature spotting, by Mrs Everett
Reception, by Mrs Everett
Meet our new TEAM Benedict, by Mrs Nixon
Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies, by Mrs McGuire
Volcanoes erupt!, by Miss Ridley
BMW Designs, by Miss Ridley
Ice creams for St Benedict’s Day, by Miss Ridley
Year 3 and some Orchard Residential, by Mrs Bond
Volcanoes D&T Project, by Miss Ridley
York Day 3, by Miss Ridley
Druhm Sessions, by Mrs Bond
York Day 2, by Miss Ridley
York Day 1, by Mrs McGuire
Athletics Competition, by Mrs McGuire