Our News items

PTA events next half-term, by Mrs McGuire

Practical Maths, by Mrs Bond

Autumn ? sun catchers, by Mrs Bond

Stone Age Art, by Mrs Bond

Harvest food, by Mrs McBride

Seasonal Vegetable Table, by Mrs Nixon

Fencing, by Mrs Bond

Sensory Fun, by Mrs Bond

Year 2 Fencing, by Mrs McBride

Step Up to the Plate, by Miss Ridley

Healthy Eating Week, by Miss Fox

En-garde!, by Miss Ridley

Respect Wall, by Mrs Nixon

McMillan coffee morning, by Miss McGuire

Year 3 Trip to Tatton Park, by Miss McGuire

Festival of Nature, by Miss McGuire

Queen Elizabeth II, by Miss McGuire

Lets's Connect Get in Touch

St Benedict's Catholic Primary School Hall Road, SK9 3AE
Hannah McGuire | Headteacher 01625520207 admin@stbenedicts.cheshire.sch.uk
Diocese of Shrewsbury Cheshire East
SENDCo Tamsin Vernon | admin@stbenedicts.cheshire.sch.uk
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Hannah McGuire
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | Catherine McBride and Tamsin Vernon
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