Our News items
School Council Houses of Parliament Competition, by Mrs Browne
Year 3, by Mrs Nixon
Reyes de Magos, by Mrs Bond
Reconciliation retreat to the Marist Centre., by Mrs Nixon
Welcome morning, by Mrs Bond
Baking, by Mrs Bond
Panto, by Mrs Bond
Santa comes to visit, by Mrs Nixon
Gifts for the SVP, by Mrs McGuire
Christmas Party Day, by Mrs Nixon
Frosty mornings, by Mrs Bond
Mini Vinnies helping in the community, by Mrs McGuire
Posting our letters to Santa, by Mrs Bond
Christmas Fair, by Mrs Bond
Seeing Santa, by Mrs Bond
Mini Vinnies helping the SVP to help others in need, by Mrs McGuire
Year 4 Respect Wall - again!, by Miss Ridley
Year 4 Respect Wall Champs, by Miss Ridley
Respect Wall, by Mrs Nixon
More learning and fun, by Mrs Bond
Making our Advent wreath, by Mrs Bond
Handforth Lights Switch on, by Mrs McGuire
Styal woods and cafe, by Mrs Bond
Fantastic Five, by Mrs Nixon
Respect Wall, by Mrs Nixon