Our News items
Christmas lunch!, by Mrs McGuire
St. Benedict's Nativity, by Mrs Marciniak
No Pens Day in Year 2, by Mrs Marciniak
Advent Calendars, by Mrs Nixon
Ranger Dan Experience Day, by Mrs Marciniak
Great Fire of London ready!, by Mrs Marciniak
Road Safety, by Mrs Marciniak
School Disco, by Mrs Bond
Competition Winners, by Mrs Bond
Bangra-cise, by Mrs Marciniak
Tatton Park - Stone age trip for Year 3, by Mrs McGuire
Art Week, by Mrs Nixon
Diwali, by Mrs McGuire
Portraits in the style of Julian Opie, by Mrs Marciniak
Library trip, by Mrs Everett
Gymnastics, by Miss Ridley
Leaf painting, by Mrs Everett
Meet TEAM Benedict, by Mrs Nixon
Karate, by Mrs Nixon
Year 6 Karate, by Mrs McGuire
A taste of Karate, by Mrs Marciniak
Year 6 assembly, by Mrs McGuire
Girls Football Team in action, by Mrs McGuire
Nature spotting, by Mrs Everett
Science Investigations in Year 2, by Mrs Marciniak