Advent wreaths
Each class learned about what an Advent wreath represents.
The wreath represent is a circle which has no beginning or end. It reminds us God is so great that God never had a beginning and will never have an end. It also reminds us that his love is never ending.
The evergreen stays green all year. It reminds us that God never changes.
The first candle that we light is purple and it represents hope. It reminds us of the hopeful period of waiting for the birth of Jesus Christ.
The second candle that we light is purple and it represents Peace. The peace that God has given through His son Jesus Christ and the preparation for the baby Jesus.
The third candle that we light is pink. It represents the joy of sharing Christ. It reminds us of the joy of the shepherds as they hear the good news of Jesus' arrival.
The fourth candle is purple and it represents love. The love sent from God through His son, Jesus Christ.
On Christmas Day we light a white candle. The white candle reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world. He has come into our darkness to enlighten us and give us the life of God which we share with others
Children brought in evergreen from their gardens and each class made their own Advent wreath. We will be lighting these, each day, during our Advent collective worships.