: News items
Transient art, by Mrs Everett
First Holy Communion, by Mrs McGuire
York Minster and The Chocolate Story, by Mrs Bond
Off we go, last day, by Mrs Bond
DIG & Jorvik, by Mrs Bond
Barley Hall, by Mrs Bond
Breakfast after an impressive nights sleep, by Mrs Bond
Evening walk, by Mrs Bond
At the youth hostel, by Mrs Bond
Railway Museum, by Mrs Bond
River cruise, by Mrs Bond
Year 4- York, by Mrs Bond
Praying the Rosary, by Mrs Nixon
Maypole, by Mrs McGuire
Lambs, by Mrs Case
The King, by Mrs Case
Pentecost Party, by Mrs Case
Roman Day, by Mrs Nixon
Making Torches, by Mrs Bancroft
Roman invasion, by Mrs Bond
? release, by Mrs Bond
Butterflies, by Mrs Everett
Year 4 trip to Stoke on Trent courtesy of Avanti Trains, by Mrs McGuire
The Orchard and Year 3 Roman trip to Chester, by Mrs Nixon
Bike hire shop roleplay, by Mrs Everett