Reception: News items
Beyond Lies More, by Mrs McGuire
Making clay planets, by Mrs Everett
Fun in the snow, by Mrs Everett
Snow Day!, by Mrs McGuire
Magic Show, by Mrs Bond
Christmas counting fun, by Mrs Everett
Posting our letters to Father Christmas, by Mrs Everett
Gingerbread men decorating, by Mrs Everett
We are Outstanding!!!, by Mrs McGuire
Visit to the Mosque, by Mrs Bond
New Netball Kits, by Mrs Bond
Harvest Collection, by Mrs Bond
Netball Tournament, by Mrs Bond
Meet the new TEAM Benedict, by Mrs Nixon
St Benedict, by Mrs Nixon
Planting our edible plants, by Mrs Everett
Reception, by Mrs Everett
Balloon phonics, by Mrs Everett
Camping, by Mrs Everett
Castle art, by Mrs Everett
Transient art, by Mrs Everett
York Minster and The Chocolate Story, by Mrs Bond
Off we go, last day, by Mrs Bond
DIG & Jorvik, by Mrs Bond
Barley Hall, by Mrs Bond